Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Vijay V. Paniker

I am a ceramic artist who works with trompe l' oeil. I observe and recreate objects in clay. Recently I have been working with pipes and tubes, creating mini-environments.

annushka gisella peck

architecture,installation and video interventions

My work is installation-based and addresses issues of in-between space (liminal and interstitial spaces) through the use of the pre-existing architecture and video overlays onto that space. You can find other examples of my work here:
and here:

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ashley Morgan

I find the life of architecture to closely resemble the life of living beings. I am interested in the decomposition of materials and environments and how they work together. I find a balance between the human need to build up our environments and the ultimate fate that they will both deconstruct.

Richard Mutz

It has become a common practice in our contemporary culture for individuals to tattoo their skin with images and text that trace their own unique history. Borrowing from this tradition, I will hire a tattoo artist to tattoo the Blatz logo on willing participates during the duration of the opening for the exhibition taking place in the Blatz Building in downtown Milwaukee. After the opening, documentation will remain in the form of a video installation allowing viewers to witness the event that had taken place. My intension is that the participants, as well as the other individuals in attendance, will take from this exhibition the experience of sharing in the intimate process of tattooing while creating a conversation and memory that will transcend the gallery and live on with the individuals, adding to the narrative of their lives.


Jennifer Bastian

My work is based on a desire for contact, building connections over distance, and the facilitation of community experience. It manifests in daily photographic practice, drawing and installation, as well as performance and interactive work. Examples of my recent projects can be found at:



morning stuff

Leah Schreiber

My process is based on reaction to process. For example, I may create a series of drawings based on a series of photographs something I had recently created. Each work is inspired by the process of creating the work before it, expressing concepts of reaction, repetition, and reinterpretation.

Holli Pitsch's work

My most recent work involves a combination of drawing and installation, utilizing everyday materials to create an environment where my drawings come alive in space. My drawings tend to be playful and cartoon-like, created in a child-like fashion. I'll try to post a link with more images as soon as I can.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Brandon Bauer Info

A bio and link to some collage work and video can be found at my MIAD Faculty page.
Other video work can be viewed on my You Tube page.

I have been doing a lot of research on Blatz and my project will most likely include archival sources (mainly from print media) manipulated and incorporated into a video projection.

Kristin Haas work

I propose to create a wall-sized installation that will mimic the existing wall space. I hope to examine The Blatz in relation to the state of transition of Milwaukee's backdrop through materials and design.

Marcelino Stuhmer: images

Take a look at my website: www.marcelinostuhmer.com , my work is viewable under "projects", unfortunately the video section is not yet functioning. I've also attached a few images of my recent show in Chicago. 

A. Bill Work + Link

In regards to our proposed show at Blatz, I may create something a bit different from my typical work. However, you can see my work at this site:
A. Bill Online Portfolio

And if you don't like links, here is are some example images:
